Issue groups in Dependency Graph for Jira Cloud

The Jira Dependency Graph Addon is now offering a dynamic opportunity to group issues by key parameters like team, project, status, issue type, and priority. This feature revolutionizes the way you manage dependencies, providing a holistic view of your projects.

By grouping issues by team, you can streamline collaboration and ensure everyone is on the same page. Project-based grouping allows for focused tracking and assessment. Sorting by status helps in identifying bottlenecks and project progress. Issue type grouping simplifies the management of different task categories, and prioritization enables you to focus on critical aspects.

This level of customization allows for a tailored dependency graph experience, making your Jira project management even more efficient and insightful. With seamless integration through the Atlassian Marketplace, you have access to an extensive array of options to enhance your Jira Dependency Graph Addon, enabling you to create Gantt charts, visualize dependencies, and track progress with precision.

Harness this opportunity to group issues in a way that best suits your project's unique needs and gain greater control over your project's dependencies. Elevate your Jira experience and unlock new levels of efficiency and clarity in your project management processes.

By default graph groups issues by epic and parent tickets

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Group jira issues by Project

Project-based grouping allows you to focus on individual initiatives

time tracking

Group jira issues by team

Grouping by team enhances collaboration and team-specific tracking

issues progress

Group jira issues by Status

Sorting by status empowers you to pinpoint bottlenecks

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Group jira issues by issue type

Issue type grouping streamlines task management

time tracking

Group jira issues by Priority

Prioritization ensures that you address critical aspects promptly.

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